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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Robyn - Body Talk Pt. 2: A

It's gotten to the point where you can't mention Robyn without at the very least alluding to your frustration with how little exposure she gets to the general music-listening population. Since the first Body Talk was released earlier this year, the only appearance of her I saw was a video for "Dancing on My Own" in a mall. That MTV used her for a lead-off to a commercial break in this year's VMA's just makes me think that they're in on the joke; that no matter how well this chick makes pop music palpable, she'll never get the recognition she deserves.

And, with her second installment in her three-part Body Talk series, she basically slaps conventional wisdom across the face and demands, "What the fuck is it already? Am I not pop enough? Because the first song on my new album tethers so dangerously to the "love-conquers-all" cliche of pop music, it took me twice as long to turn it into a classic than any other song on the album. Am I not sexy enough? Because, on this new one, I coo in a fucking courtroom, where my x-rated antics could get me in jail. Or am I not enough of a badass, because Snoop Dogg weeping in the corner after I schooled him in an all-out bragging match would beg to differ."

Needless to say, Robyn puts on quite a few hats on her newest, and it should be stressed that she wears them (or should I say they wear her) so seamlessly, they immediately transcend adequately convincing. She's a better Xtina, Brittney and Gaga than if their combined management created a pop music think tank. I can safely say I've never been more excited for a pop release than I have for Body Talk Pt. 3, and you should, too. That she's releasing her master stroke in three parts over the year should be a godsend, as you can still jump on the bandwagon and still say you saw her inevitable success coming (and for that, personally, I am grateful!). Am I overselling Robyn as the harbinger of quality pop music as we know it? Well, just as Robyn sees her craft as "really very simple," your response should be as well. Just buy yourself the two Body Talks before the third in November and save yourself a whole world of ridicule.


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